Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Filipino Smile: A new way of saying Thank you

Ask anyone who have visited the Philippines on what they liked most on their travel, and their top of the mind answers would be the  hospitality and the heart warming smile of every Filipino, young and old. These are one of the qualities that keep visitors coming back to the beautiful 7,107 islands (7,106 during high tide). While many returned to their homelands, some choose to stay for good – mostly likely enticed by the mysterious beauty of the land and the people.

Like any nation, the Philippines face problems every day. Even the worst ones - floods, calamities, poverty, insurgencies.
It's not a big secret that it was categorized as a third world country. And yet at the end of the day, we still manage to smile and continue to celebrate life. There's an old Filipino saying that goes, "while there is life, there is hope."

The checkered history of the Philippines is one of the contributing factors why a  Filipinos can afford to smile even in the direst situation. The early Filipinos had friendly relationship with the neighboring countries. Goods such as golds, jewelries, local crafts were bartered during those days. It was even said that gold was abundant in  this country that you can just pick it up along the riverbanks. When the Spaniards first discovered this country, they were amazed not only by the rich and beautiful landscape. They were surprised that they were welcomed with open arms. They were even invited to join at the tables of the local rajahs and queens. 

The Spaniards brought and introduced Christianity to the Filipinos, which the latter readily accepted as a new religion. The teachings of Christianity had strengthened the values of our ancestors, especially the teachings of Christ.

The Americans and Japanese came, and yet the Filipinos remained steadfast – clinging on to the core values of their ancestors. The war that had ensued during these times failed to break every Filipino spirits. Instead, they remained steadfast, holding on the core values their ancestors have entrusted them.

Every time you see a Filipino with a smile, you see a picture of rich and unwavering culture. It is a gratitude, a simple way of saying “thank you."

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